The Platinum Rule improves upon the Golden Rule, which instructs us to treat others as WE prefer to be treated. Instead, the Platinum Rule suggests that we treat others as we believe THEY would like to be treated, acknowledging that people have different preferences and needs. Treating others according to our own preferences may not always be effective or appropriate.
Individuals often use the Platinum Rule to communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships by understanding others’ needs and preferences. This can involve adapting our communication style, tone, and approach to match the preferences of the other person, rather than imposing our own style on them.
Furthermore, the Platinum Rule promotes empathy and understanding, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts. By recognizing and respecting the differences among people, we can build more harmonious and inclusive communities.
Essentially, the Platinum Rule encourages us to be mindful and considerate in our interactions with others. We can build stronger relationships, foster greater understanding, and promote a more positive and inclusive social environment by respectfully responding to individuals, and acting in a way that we perceive others want to be treated, to the best of our knowledge and ability.